Shifting Direct Advertising from Paper-Based to Digital with PinMeTo

Local communication Facebook Local search Local marketing

In an era where change is the only constant, traditional direct advertising tactics are being replaced by more advanced and sustainable digital strategies. This reality is most evident in Swedish leading postal company's recent decision to discontinue the delivery of unaddressed printed direct mail (ODR).

This change, while seemingly daunting for businesses steeped in paper-based direct advertising, is in fact a big step forward towards sustainable marketing and how businesses communicate with their local audiences

Upgrading How You Reach Your Local Communities

With PinMeTo Posts, you can distribute digital versions of your promotional material across your local pages on Google, Facebook and Instagram tailoring your message for the local community.

Make the most of your social media and search platforms. PinMeTo Posts helps you improve your online visibility, build stronger ties with local communities, and increase your revenue without any extra advertising costs.

Sustainable Direct Advertising 

Keep your local community informed without demanding any paper.

The Right Message, At The Right Place

Share store-specific promotions tailoring messages for local audiences with dynamic fields

direct marketing posts
Group, Schedule & Post in Bulk

Group pages using location filters. Schedule and post to multiple local pages at once on Google, Facebook, and Instagram.

Zero-Cost Advertising

Drive organic traffic and customer engagement without any extra costs


Learn more about how PinMeTo's Posts can help you transition

from paper-based direct advertising to digital posts.

Let's Get Started

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